How can we help?
Frequently Asked Questions
We've listed below answers to the questions our schools ask the most.
CLASSES - Some old classes are showing on my system - how do I remove these?
COHORTS - Not all pupils are showing in my Extended day clubs/cohorts - how do I add them in?
LINK CODE - How do I generate a second link code for a child (for another parent or carer)?
MEAL PRICES - How do I update our dinner money meal prices?
PASSWORD - I've forgotten my SCO password
PUPILS - I'm trying to add a new pupil but it says their ID is already in use?
PUPILS DUPLICATED - Some pupils have been duplicated - how do I sort this?
SESSION PRICES - How do I update our extended day prices?
SIMS LINK - How can I check that my SIMS link is working?
TRAINING - How do I book training to help with Year End Processes?
TRIP - A parent paid for an old trip by mistake, how can I transfer this?
UFSM - How does booking dinners online work for UFSM over the summer holiday period?
USER - How do I add a new user to SCO?
Xs - Dinners/Extended day are showing Xs - no meals can be entered - what shall I do?
Xs ONLINE - Parents are unable to book dinners/sessions online - how do I resolve this?
A cheque has been returned by the bank - how do we handle this?
How do I record bank interest or bank charges?
How do I cancel a transaction?
How do I transfer a payment from one product to another?
How do I transfer a cashless catering payment?
I have inter-account or unsettled debts in Banking - what are these?
A pupil's Free School Meal status has changed - how do I manage this in SCO Dinner Money?
How do I change the dinner money meal prices?
How do I stop meals showing up in the dinner reports for pupils and staff that have been deleted?
How do I display a Menu online?
How do I set up regular meal patterns for pupils (Preferences)?
How do parents order/book meals online?
How can I stop parents ordering/booking meals online?
How do I add a new Teacher for Classroom Edition?
How do I record Childcare Vouchers?
How do I restrict who can see Clubs online?
A parent has paid for both siblings as one payment - how do I transfer some of the credit?
How do I set up regular Attendance patterns for pupils (Preferences)?
How do parents book sessions online?
How can I stop parents booking sessions online?
How do I change the session prices for my clubs?
How do I set a limit to the number of places available for clubs?
How do I Hide Clubs on the Extended day tab?
I need a report to show Debts for each pupil across multiple clubs - where can I find this?
I need a detailed Debt report for an individual pupil across multiple clubs – where can I find this?
What happens when I save a receipt?
What happens if I delete a receipt?
How do I allocate a payment on account to an invoice raised at a later date?
How do I book facilities out for holidays?
Can bookings be invoiced more than once?
What happens with cancelled bookings?
What happens if a Hirer elects to pay for our insurance?
What if a Hirer pays some money in advance or has paid more than the invoices we have raised?
What if a Hirer does not pay enough to cover a whole invoice?
What should I do if the contents of my cash drawer does not agree with the Lettings Till?
How do I set up meetings for Parents Evening?
How do I delay my meeting appearing online?
How do I extend an appointment for one pupil/parent?
How do I stop parents booking appointments online for a meeting?
How do I switch between On premises meetings and Video call meetings?
How do I delete or restore a parents' evening meeting?
How do I update my pupil data in SCO?
How do I import pre-admission pupils into SCO?
How do I import staff into SCO?
How do I make pupils siblings in SCO?
How do I remove a sibling from a family?
How do I restore a pupil account that has been deleted?
How do I manually amend a pupil's data e.g. class or year group?
How do I remove a pupil from a trip?
A parent has unsubscribed - how do they resubscribe?
How do I add a product description to show on SCOPAY?
How can I check which email address a parent has used to register on SCOPAY?
How do I stop parents paying online?
How do I take a product offline?
How do I upload my school logo to the SCOPAY site?
How do I know which items/products are currently online?
Which report shows me who has paid online?
How do I refund an online payment?
How do I generate a second link code for a child (for another parent or carer)?
I'm confused about the different SCO and SCOPAY logins
How do I set up a new bank account for online payments?
How do I update the school details which display on SCOPAY or the mobile app?
How do I see which parents have set up Parental Alerts?
Why are parents seeing a message about Data breach reported on SCOPAY?
Why do parents see some trips on and not on the SCOPAY mobile app?
How do I delete trips from Schools Cash Office?
How do I refund a pupil on a trip?
How do I remove a pupil from a trip?
How do I restore a trip that has been deleted?
I created a trip in the wrong bank account - how do I move it?
How can I see which trips a pupil is on?
How can I see if a child is entitled to a Pupil Premium discount?
How can I report on Pupil Premium discount payments assigned to 1 or more pupils?
How can I cancel a Pupil Premium discount payment?
Why can't I give a Pupil marked as Pupil Premium a discount on a Trip?