Record Bank Interest or Charges

Record Bank Interest or Charges

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Record bank interest or charges into SCO into a relevant cost centre

Record Bank Interest or Charges

First ensure that you have a relevant cost centre in the Banking screen to record the fees.

If not, Add a New Cost Centre then return to this page.

To record income (e.g. bank interest)

  1. Click on the Income tab

  2. Select Miscellaneous income 

  3. Complete all fields, ensuring you select the relevant cost centre

  4. Select the Credit/debit option to allocate the funds directly to the bank

  5. Click Done

  6. Enter a reference in the Enter Credit/debit details/reference field, e.g. bank charges and the date

  7. Click Done

  8. This transaction will show as an entry in the Banked column in the Banking screen and will show in Check bank statement waiting to be reconciled

To record expenditure (e.g. bank charges)

  1. Click on the Expenditure tab

  2. Select Miscellaneous expenditure 

  3. Complete all fields, ensuring you select the relevant cost centre

  4. Select the Credit/debit option to deduct the funds directly from the bank

  5. Click Done

  6. Enter a reference in the Enter Credit/debit details/reference field, e.g. bank charges and the date

  7. Click Done 

  8. This transaction will show as an entry in the Banked column in the Banking screen and will show in Check bank statement waiting to be reconciled

See also

Enter Fees for Online Credit/Debit Card Transactions

How to Enter Retrospective Income

SCO Modules


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