Change Free School Meal Status

Change Free School Meal Status

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If a pupil's Free School Meal status changes this will update in SCO on your next pupil import.
It is possible to update the Free School Meal status manually.

Change Free School Meal Status

1. Change the pupil’s Free School Meal status

  1. Click on the Accounts screen, then right-click on the relevant pupil

  2. Select Edit Pupil Details

  3. Select the Preferences tab

  4. Select the Dinner money tab

  5. Adjust the Free meals tick box accordingly

  6. Click Done

  7. The changed setting will apply to all meals entered from now on

2. Adjust previously entered meals (if required)

  1. Click on the Dinners screen

  2. Locate the relevant pupil

  3. Overtype any previously entered meal codes for this pupil to reflect the new FSM status.

  4. The pupil’s balance will update automatically

This change will also be reflected in the Trips and events Trip free meals report.

For further help with the Dinner Money module see also:

SCO Modules


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