Individual Balance Report

Individual Balance Report

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Useful Information

Displays account balances. The report can be run for an individual account or for all accounts.

Note that this report can be emailed to all parents - see Pupil Accounts Generate Mail Merge

Individual Balance Report

  1. Click on the Reports tab

  2. Select Account reports

  3. Select Individual balance report

  4. If required select balances to report

  5. If required select account

  6. If required select any of the following options:

    1. Only show pupils with debt

    2. Show all current trips

    3. Trip debt relative to payment schedule

    4. Include envelope header

    5. New page for each account

    6. Show pupil IDs

  7. Select OK

Note that this report can be emailed to all parents - see Pupil Accounts Generate Mail Merge

SCO Modules


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