Set up Ticket Sales (or Limited Stock Items)

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Useful Information

Set up sales of tickets or other limited stock items online.  You can enter a quantity and once the limit has been reached, the item can no longer be purchased online.
It is not possible to restrict the number of tickets a parent can purchase so we recommend advising them of any restrictions at the outset.
If your tickets have a zero cost (e.g. parents attending Sports Day), we recommend setting up a Trip or Event using the Add a Free, Optional Trip or Club (SECURE A PLACE) option for this purpose, as you cannot checkout a zero valued product on SCOPAY.

Set up Ticket Sales (or Limited Stock Items)

1. Create the Ticket Product

  1. Click on the Configuration tab

  2. Click on Income configuration

  3. Click on Products

  4. Click on the Product group

  5. Click Add Product

  6. Complete all sections, especially

    1. Select Stock product

    2. Select Available online

  7. Select Restrict availability to restrict which pupils the tickets are available for - see example on the right

  8. Click on Done



2. Set the Stock Level (number of tickets available)

  1. Click on the Orders tab

  2. Select View stock products

  3. Select the product

  4. Click on Edit stock product

  5. Set the Stock level to the number of tickets available

  6. Enter any Notes for this stock product (internal use only)

  7. Deselect Restockable item
    (once the number of tickets have sold they will no longer be available online for purchase)

  8. Click OK



3. Tickets on SCOPAY

  1. The tickets will show on the parent's SCOPAY account

  2. They select the required Quantity (1-9) and Add to basket

  3. Once they have checked out and paid, the number of tickets available will be reduced

4. Record Sale of Tickets in SCO

If you wish to record the sale of tickets by Cash or Cheque in school, refer to the section: Record the Sale of a Stock Product in School
Once complete, use your browser's back button to return to this section.

5. Track the Ticket Sales in SCO

Order management

  1. Click on the Orders tab

  2. Click on View orders

  3. All Open orders will be displayed

  4. Click the + sign to view more detail


Orders report

  1. Click on the Orders tab

  2. Select Reports at the bottom right of the screen

  3. Select Orders report

  4. Select the required Date range

  5. Select the Product under Select stock product:

  6. Select OK





6. Update the Order Status to Complete

  1. Click on the Orders tab

  2. Click on View orders

  3. All Open orders will be displayed

  4. Click on the Order

  5. Click on Update status or give refund

  6. Select Complete

  7. Click on OK

  8. Click on Yes

  9. Click on OK

  10. The order is marked as Complete and will no longer show the next time you View orders

  11. Repeat for other Orders


7. View the Number of Tickets Available

  1. Click on the Orders tab

  2. Click on View stock products

  3. The Available column displays the number of tickets currently Available

  4. Tickets purchased Online or in school will be marked as Reserved until they have been marked as Complete


See also

SCO Modules


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