Add a Trip or Event

Add a Trip or Event

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Useful Information

As well as managing school Trips, you can use the Trips and Events functionality to manage After school clubs, Music lessons and School donations or any other item which records payments against individual pupils

Add a Trip or Event

Refer to the table below to select the best settings for your trip type:

Type of Trip or event


Type of Trip or event


Day trip 

A trip that has a one off payment for selected pupils (such as London Day Trip)

Residential trip

A trip with a payment schedule for selected pupils (such as PGL)

Residential trip (limited places and optional)

An optional trip with limited places (such as Ski Trip)

After school club or ticket sales with no cost (secure a place, optional trips, zero cost)

An optional club or sale of tickets with limited places and no cost where a place can be secured on SCOPAY (such as Chess club or Sports Day)

School fund/building donation

An event set up for selected pupils with a one off payment (such as School Building Fund/Donation) where overpayments are allowed

Music Lessons with varying costs

Set up Music Lessons for selected pupils with varying costs/instruments

Ticket sales with a cost

A limited stock item with a cost (such as Pantomine or School production)

For further help see:

SCO Modules


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