Holiday Dates in Lettings

Holiday Dates in Lettings

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Useful information

By entering holiday dates into the calendar, the Lettings module will warn you if a booking falls on one of those dates.
You have the opportunity to set dates as Do not accept bookings on this date. In this case holiday dates are automatically removed from the booking form.
If holidays are set to accept bookings, then a warning message is displayed to remind you to check that the booking is still acceptable to the Hirer and/or the site.

Set Holiday Dates in Lettings

  1. Click on the Lettings tab

  2. Click on the Calendar tab

  3. Click Set holiday dates

  4. Click the Add button

  5. Enter the Start date and End date for the holiday (for single day closures select the same start and end date)

  6. Enter a Description (eg May Bank Holiday or Christmas)

  7. Tick Do not accept bookings on this date to prevent bookings being taken during these dates

  8. Click Done to add the holiday to the calendar

For further help see:

SCO Modules


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