Splitting a Payment Between Siblings

Splitting a Payment Between Siblings

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Useful Information

Pupils with the same Last Name and an exact same Address in SCO are displayed as siblings

To Split a Payment Between Siblings

  1. In Dinners, Extended day or Trips and events, click the red Payment button next to the name of one of the siblings

  2. Select the payment type (Cash or Cheque)

  3. If the pupil has a sibling, the Split… button will be displayed adjacent to Enter payment amount

  4. Select the Split… button and enter the payment amount to allocate to each sibling

  5. Click on Confirm

  6. Enter any relevant Memo if required

  7. Click on Confirm payment

  8. If you have selected Cheque or Credit/debit as the payment method, the Details window is displayed with the pupil’s surname in the Enter details/reference box
    Add any extra details here - for example, the name on the cheque, if different from the pupil's name, and/or the cheque number

  9. Click Done

  10. If you have selected the option to be prompted to print receipts, you will see this message now
    Select Print if required



For further help see:

SCO Modules


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