Splitting Income Between Sales Items

Splitting Income Between Sales Items

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Useful Information

This function can be used to record a payment from one pupil for purchasing multiple items, such as a uniform item and a trip, or two separate trips.
Transactions can be split across two cost centres within the same bank account, but cannot be split across two bank accounts (such as Official Account and Unofficial Account).
It is not possible to split income across Dinners and/or Extended day.  Enter these transactions separately.

Splitting Income Between Sales Items

Split payment transactions are entered via the Income window.
It is not possible to split income across Dinners and/or Extended day.  Enter these transactions separately.

  1. Click on the Income tab

  2. Click on the Sales button

  3. Select the first Item to sell

  4. Select the Pupil if prompted or required

  5. Select the second and any subsequent Items to sell

  6. When all items have been selected, click on the Total button

  7. Select the method of payment

  8. For cheque payments, enter the name and/or number on the cheque in the Enter Cheque details/reference box and click Done

  9. Both items will be displayed on the transaction

  10. The funds will be divided into the appropriate cost centres in the Banking window

See also

Transfer Balance / Pupil Income to another Pupil or Product

Transfer Dinner Money Funds between Pupils / Siblings

Transfer Extended Day Funds between Pupils / Siblings

SCO Modules


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