Miscellaneous Income

Miscellaneous Income

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Useful Information

This feature allows you to record income to cost centres without recording a sale against a specific item. It can be used for income such as donations. The relevant bank account will be credited with the funds.

Miscellaneous Income

  1. Click on the Income tab

  2. Select the Miscellaneous income button

  3. Enter the Details of this transaction

  4. Click the down arrow and select the Cost centre to credit

  5. Click the down arrow to select Account codes if required

  6. Click to Specify the payment type
    Note: if On account is selected as the payment type, a pupil can be chosen, allowing ad hoc student payments to be recorded through the pupil's pre-payment account

  7. Enter the Gross amount

  8. Tick the VAT'able? box to display the VAT amount if required

  9. Click Done

This income will be entered into the selected Cost centre and will be displayed on the relevant Sales report

For further help see:

Pay for Products and Trips from a Pre-Payment Account

SCO Modules


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