Dinner Money Statement Report
Useful Information
This produces statements that can be given to parents that show meals taken, payments made and current balance.
The report can be run for the current or previous year, and the pupil address can be included as an envelope header.
Alternatively, a summary report can be generated for all pupils and staff.
Dinner Money Statement
To generate the Dinners money statement:
Click on the Reports tab and select Dinner money reports or
Click on the Dinners tab and select the Reports button on the right of the screen
Select Dinner money statement
Select the required Report date range
To display a summary of all pupils and staff, tick the Display summary No further options are available if this box is ticked, but the generated summary report will display Grand totals on the last page
Tick the Include envelope header box if required
Tick the Only show pupils with debt box if required
Tick the Include free school meals pupils box if required
Select Pupil or Staff
If Pupil has been selected:
Click the down arrow next to Select class and select the required class, or leave the default All classes
Alternatively, to generate the report for an individual pupil, click the down arrow and select the required pupil
If Staff has been selected, click the down arrow and select the required staff member or leave the default All staff
Click OK
For further reports see:
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