Dinners Manage Catering Returns
Useful Information
The Catering return report displays the totals of meals for each day of the week, together with a grand total for all meals.
This report is useful for any schools using an external caterer.
Dinners Manage Catering Returns
To send the Catering return report electronically:
1. Check the settings in SCO (first time only)
Click on the Configuration tab
Select System options
Select the Dinners/Extended Day tab
Select the following options:
Sync catering returns with catering supplier
Display catering return warnings
Select the relevant Catering return format (select Generic if none of the other options apply)
5. Click on Done
2. Generate the Catering report
To generate the Catering return report:
Click on the Reports tab and select Dinner money reports or
Click on the Dinners tab and select the Reports button on the right of the screen
Select the Manage catering returns
Select Create new and select the required Week to report on
Click OK
Add any Transported meals, Notes or extra information as applicable
Click Run report
3. Send the Catering Return Report Electronically
Once the Catering return has been generated and approved, it can be Signed Off and sent electronically.
Click on the Reports tab and select Dinner money reports or
Click on the Dinners tab and select the Reports button on the right of the screen
Select Manage catering returns
Select the return created above
Click on Sign Off
Enter the Name of the person signing off the report
Click OK
The report will automatically be sent to the Catering company
For further reports see:
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