Message History Log

Message History Log

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Useful Information

The Message History Log shows details of all sent messages - Emails and Texts sent via the Communications module.

View the Message History Log

  1. Click on the Communications tab

  2. Select Message history log

  3. Any messages sent Today are displayed (to display messages sent in the past, refer to the Filter messages section below)

  4. Click a message on the left hand side to display the Recipients on the right hand side

  5. Click anywhere on a recipient to read the message sent

  6. A key will be displayed against each message to show its Status


Filter Sent Messages

To filter the list, click on Filter messages

  1. Filter using the following searches:

    1. Specific pupils, enter a Surname (or part of a surname) in the Account name field (alternatively the full name must be entered in the format Surname, Forename)

    2. Message type (All, Email or Text)

    3. Recipient (Email address or mobile number)

    4. Schools Cash Office User

    5. Message status (Completed or Failed)

    6. Date Created (Today, Yesterday, This week, This month or a Custom date)

  2. Click Done

  3. In the list of messages on the left, select a message.  Click on the recipient on the right to show the message details, click Close

  4. To view the content of all messages, select Export to Excel (bottom left)

  5. Close the Message viewer



Resend Messages

  1. Click on the Communications tab

  2. Select Message history log

  3. Filter the messages if you’re resending a message older than today

  4. Click on the message on the left hand side to display the recipients

  5. Tick the Resend? option on the right hand side
    Please note: You can tick up to 49 messages at a time

  6. Click Resend selected messages

  7. By default the Resend options column will show Resend original message, select either Resend original, Resend as text or Resend as email from the drop down list as required.

(This list will only contain valid options for your message template style. For example if you have not set up a text template or email template for the particular message then these options will not be available).

Important: The resend function resends the original message content.  If the message contained outstanding balance information, the message content may now be out of date. 
In this case you should send a new message to ensure the latest balances are merged, rather than resending the original.

Print Messages

  1. Click on the Communications tab

  2. Select Message history log

  3. Filter the messages if you’re printing a message older than today

  4. Tick the Resend? option

  5. Click on Resend selected messages

  6. From the Resend options drop down menu, select Export original message to Word

  7. Click Confirm

  8. The status of the message will now display a Sent to Word

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