Extended Day Debt Analysis Report

Extended Day Debt Analysis Report

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Useful Information

The Extended day debt analysis report will show you current debt across all clubs and all pupils, with configurable reporting options.

Extended Day Debt Analysis Report

To generate a Debt Analysis Report:

  1. Click on the Reports tab

  2. Click on Account reports

  3. Click on Extended day debt analysis report

  4. Select any of the following options:

    1. Select the required Date range

    2. Select All clubs or the relevant Clubs to report on

    3. Enter a Minimum debt amount

    4. Enter a Minimum age of debt (days)

    5. Select any Grouping options (by Class, by Year)

    1. Display summary only - gives a total balance for each pupil without listing the individual clubs

  5. Click OK

See other Extended Day Reports here:

SCO Modules


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