Generate the Online Access Letter for Hirers

Generate the Online Access Letter for Hirers

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Useful Information

To enable Hirers to use  Online Payments, provide them with an online link code by generating the Online Account Access Letter or Email.

Generate the Online Access Letter for Hirers

  1. Click on the Reports tab

  2. Click on Online reports

  3. Select Online access letter

  4. Select Hirers

  5. Select hirer contact type Primary or Invoicing

  6. Select the onlineAccountAccessLetterHirer

  7. Select Letter (and Email for schools using the SCO Communications module)

  8. Select Generate

Selecting both Letter and Email will generate an Email to all Hirers with an email address in SCO and a hard copy letter for any Hirers without an email address.
You will be unable to select the Email option if you are not licensed for the Tucasi SCO Communications module.

See the relevant sections

SCO Modules


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