Add an Extended Day Club

Add an Extended Day Club

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Useful Information

We recommend reading the information below to help you decide how best to set up your Extended Day clubs in SCO

Add an Extended Day Club

Within the Extended day module, multiple clubs can be set up, e.g. a Breakfast club, an After school club, a Holiday club, etc.  These are set up as pre-payment accounts.  Each pre-payment account (club) holds a balance for the attending pupils.  These balances are also displayed on the Accounts screen and are displayed as, for example, Breakfast bal, After school bal.

Multiple Session codes can be set up if different prices are charged within an Extended day club, e.g. within the After school club, there may be different prices for a short session and a long session.

In addition, multiple sessions can be set up within each pre-payment account (club), for example a Holiday club may have two sessions, morning and afternoon. Place limits can be set; each session can have a different place limit.

When setting up a pre-payment account (club), a cost centre must be selected to receive funds. If you want the funds received for all your clubs to go into one cost centre, it is not necessary to set up different pre-payment accounts.

If, however, you want funds for different clubs to go into different cost centres, you will need to set up separate pre-payment accounts (clubs).

Another consideration is how you wish to report on Extended day clubs.  If you set up separate clubs, you will not be able to generate a report showing an individual pupil’s attendance across multiple clubs.

To summarise:

  • You want to generate a single report for each pupil attending multiple clubs – you should set up one pre-payment account (club) only.

  • You want the funds for each club to go into a separate cost centre – you will need to set up multiple pre-payment accounts (clubs).

  • You have different prices within your club – you should set up Session codes.

  • You have more than one session within your club – you should set up Sessions.

The following pages show sample set ups.  Before proceeding with setting up Extended day at your school, please review both examples to decide which best meets your requirements.

Add an Extended Day Club with One Session

Add an Extended Day Club with Multiple Sessions

For further help see:

SCO Modules


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