Net Settlement Report

Net Settlement Report

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This report is generated to reconcile all online transactions, refunds and fees against a VMS Remittance Advice

Net Settlement Report

If you wish to see a breakdown of the online transactions and charges in SCO for the same period of the VMS Remittance Advice, you can generate a Net Settlement Report:

To generate the Net settlement report:

  1. In SCO click on the Reports tab

  2. Select Banking reports 

  3. Select Net settlements

  4. Select the required Bank account

  5. Select the required Net settlement (this should match the Invoice No on the Remittance Advice)

  6. Select Display summary only, if required

  7. Click OK

  8. The report is displayed and can be printed, sent by email or exported to Excel if required

The VMS Bank Charges (Fees) will be displayed in alphabetical order (at the bottom of this example).

The Grand total should match the Net amount paid by BACS on the VMS Remittance Advice.

See the example on the right.

See also

SCO Modules


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