Uncleared Cheques and Payments

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Useful Information

This report displays any uncleared cheques and payments. It can be generated for a selected bank account or all bank accounts.
Uncleared receipts and payments are displayed separately for each bank account.

Uncleared Cheques and Payments

To generate the Uncleared cheques and payments report

  1. Click on the Reports tab

  2. Select Banking reports 

  3. Select Uncleared cheques and payments

  4. Select the required Report date range

  5. If required use the drop down to Select bank account or leave as All accounts

  6. Click OK

  7. The report shows the following information:

    1. Date of the transaction

    2. Trx number – transaction number

    3. Payment ID added at the time of the transaction

    4. The transaction Status (i.e. not yet deposited)

    5. The Amount of the transaction

See also

SCO Modules


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