Create Email Signature Block

Create Email Signature Block

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Useful Information

Create an email signature block which will appear every time you click on Create a message.
This needs to be set up on each user's login.

Create Email Signature Block

  1. Click on the Communications tab

  2. Click on Create email signature

  3. Type the signature (see Tips below)

  4. Click on Done

  5. Click on Create a message

  6. The signature block should display in the body of the message

  7. Close the window





  • To use a specific typeface/font, first make your signature block in MS Word then copy and paste into SCO.

  • Include a couple of blank lines above the signature set in the typeface you wish to use - this will then display when you click Create a message.

  • Images will not display in the signature block.

  • Use the Hyperlink button to add a link to www.scopay.com and/or to your school's website.

  • Remember to repeat for each user so that their own signature block appears.

See also

SCO Modules


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