Supplier Payment Report

Supplier Payment Report

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Useful Information

This report displays information on payments to suppliers for a specified period, giving the date of the payment, the cost centre from which funds have been deducted, the payment type (e.g. cheque), payment ID and amount of the payment, together with the total amount paid to the supplier. The report can be generated for all suppliers or a named supplier.

Supplier Payment Report

  1. Click on the Reports tab

  2. Select Sales and payments

  3. Select Supplier payment report

  4. Click the down arrow next to Select supplier and select the required supplier, or leave as All Suppliers

  5. Select the required Report date rangeTodayThis WeekLast week, a specific MonthCustom to specify a date range, or All dates

  6. If required, select the report start and finish times in the Optional time selection boxes

  7. Click OK

See also

SCO Modules


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