Generate the Online Access Letter for Staff
Useful Information
To enable staff to use Online Payments, provide them with an online link code by generating the Online Account Access Letter or Email.
The letters will be generated in alphabetical order of surname, so you may wish to filter them to control which staff letters are generated for.
Generate the Online Access Letter for Staff
Click on the Reports tab
Click on Online reports
Select Online access letter
Select Staff
Select one of the following options:
Leave the default All staff not yet registered to generate a letter to all staff not yet registered
Click the down arrow and select an individual staff member
Click on Filters and select Account creation date (the date the staff member was added to the system)
Tick Include accounts already registered online? to generate a letter to all staff in the system even if they have registered already
Select the onlineAccountAccessLetter
Select Letter (and Email for schools using the SCO Communications module)
Select Generate
Selecting both Letter and Email will generate an Email to all staff with an email address in SCO and a hard copy letter to any staff without an email address.
You will be unable to select the Email option if you are not licensed for the Tucasi SCO Communications module.
Not seeing any templates?
You will need to check your Template Location is configured correctly in SCO and if you have created a New Template, the file name will need to end in 'Staff' to be accessible e.g. onlineAccountAccessLetterStaff
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