Online Users Report

Online Users Report

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Useful Information

The Online users report displays a list of pupils and/or staff, including name and a link code.
Generate this report to produce a link code for a parent without the need to generate the mail merge letter/email.

Online Users Report

  1. Click on the Reports tab

  2. Select Online reports

  3. Select Online users report

  4. To generate the report for pupils, tick the Include pupils box

  5. Click the down arrow next to Select pupil and select the required pupil, or leave the default All pupils

  6. Click the down arrow next to Select class and select the required class, or leave the default All classes

  7. Click the down arrow next to Select year group and select the required year group, or leave the default All year groups

  8. If required, tick the Only show pupils who have registered box

  9. To generate the report for staff, tick the Include staff box

  10. Click OK.

See also

SCO Modules


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