Trip Organiser's Report

Trip Organiser's Report

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Useful Information

This report reflects the data displayed in the Balances/notes view of the Trip payments window.
It displays a list of pupils on the trip, with their Class and any trip tick boxes that have been set up.
Pupils can be listed By class or By year, and you can choose to include Trip specific notes and Account notes.

If pupil gender has been set in SCO, the number of males/females on the trip is displayed at the end of the report.
Pupil gender can be imported from your pupil database management system, e.g. SIMS, Integris, etc.

Contact details can also be included - these will be displayed on a separate page.

Trip Organiser's Report

To generate the Trip Organiser's Report:

  1. Either:

    1. Click on the Reports tab and select Trip reports or

    2. Click on the Trips and Events tab and select the Reports button on the bottom right

  2. Select the Trip organiser's report

  3. Click the down arrow next to Select trip and select the required trip

  4. If required, click the down arrow next to Group results and select By class or By year

  5. If required, tick the New page for each class/year box

  6. If required, tick the Include trip specific notes box

  7. If required, tick the Include Account notes box

  8. If required, tick the Include staff box

  9. If required, tick the Include contact details box (contact details will be displayed on a separate page for schools with the Tucasi Communications module)

  10. Select OK

For further help with the Trips and Events module see also:

SCO Modules


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