How to switch Pupil IDs in Schools Cash Office
Useful Information
You may wish to switch Pupil IDs if you are changing your MIS, linking with a cashless catering company or want to move from Admission Number to UPN or your MIS ID.
Warning: If you have a link to a cashless catering system, you must use the same ID in SCO and the cashless catering system.
If you are changing IDs, ensure you change both systems simultaneously and we recommend that you avoid the busy morning/lunchtime topup period.
To avoid any disruption to your service, we recommend that you contact Tucasi Customer Support to arrange a dedicated remote session to assist you with this process.
To Switch Pupil IDs in Schools Cash Office
1. Prepare pupil data import files
For schools using the Dynamic link to SIMS or the Wonde link, please proceed straight to Section 2 - Update existing IDs
For all other schools, you will need to prepare 2 import files before you proceed:
Pupil import data with existing Pupil ID (section 3 below describes how to view the existing ID field)
Pupil import data with new Pupil ID
For further information on preparing these 2 files, see Add / Import Pupils
2. Update existing IDs
Click on the Accounts tab and click the Pupil ID heading to sort and check any missing IDs
If there are any missing IDs, copy the ID from your MIS (or from the file prepared above), right-click the pupil in SCO,
click on Edit pupil details and paste into the Pupil ID field, click on Done
(If you are using the SIMS Pupil/Person ID field, you will need to run a report including the Pupil/Person ID field to view this)
To ensure data integrity, carry out a pupil import to ensure all pupils are in the system with the existing ID and are up-to-date
3. Wipe the existing Pupil IDs
Click on Configuration
Select Import configuration
Select Clear account IDs
Select Yes
Select OK
Select OK
Click on the Accounts tab and the Pupil ID field should be blank
4. Change the Pupil ID field used for imports
Click on Configuration
Select System options
Change the Pupil ID field used for imports: to the new ID field you’ll be using (eg Admission number to PupilID)
- see picture on rightClick on Done
5. Import pupil data with the new ID
Click on Import from external system
Select Pupil import
If you don't have an MIS link, select the new file prepared in step 1 above
Click OK to the message about SCO creating new accounts with the same name ...
Select Merge with existing pupil without ID
Click on Re-scan data
Check there are no pupils marked as (new) in the Pupil accounts to be modified window
Click on Confirm
Click on the Accounts tab
Sort by Pupil ID and check all pupils have the new ID
If any pupils have blank IDs or incorrect IDs at this stage, they may have left the school or may not be on roll at this school
If at any point you see a message saying that duplicate accounts will be created, please press Cancel and contact our Customer Support Team to request assistance.
See also Manage duplicate pupils
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