Change the Bank Account for an Existing Trip
Useful Information
If a trip has been created in the incorrect bank account, it is not possible to move it from one bank account to another after payments have been received against it.
The process below describes how to create the trip again in the correct bank account and apply discounts to reflect the payments already made.
Here are step-by-step instructions – read through this first to check the process will work for your school.
Change the Bank Account for an Existing Trip
1. Rename the existing trip (to avoid confusion in future):
Click on the Trips & Events tab
Click once on the current trip
Click on Change Trip
Prefix the trip name with OLD (or similar)
Remove the Trip available online tick, if applicable
Click on Save and Exit
2. Create the trip in the new bank account
Click on the Trips and Events tab
Click on Add Trip
Configure the trip and make Available online
Ensure the correct bank account is selected
Click on Save and Exit
3. Apply Discounts for trip payments already made
Print a list of payments made from the OLD version of the trip
Double-click on the newly created trip
Click on the Payment button
Select the Discount option
Enter the Amount of the Discount
Enter a Memo, e.g. Paid in old bank account (this can be copied for the next transactions)
Click on Confirm discount
Repeat for all payments made on the old trip
On the Trips and events tab, compare the Payments due for each trip to ensure they match
Carry out the following section if you need to reconcile the banking:
4. Transfer the funds from the old account to the new account
Click on the Banking tab
Ensure all Onhand funds are transferred to the bank
Note the total amount banked against the old trip
Click on Expenditure tab
Click on Miscellaneous expenditure
Enter the Details of the transaction (e.g. trip created in wrong bank account)
Select the OLD trip cost centre to pay the balance from
Select the Credit/Debit payment type
Enter the Amount (the total amount received against the OLD trip)
Click on Done
Click on Income
Click on Miscellaneous income
Enter the Details of the transaction (e.g. trip created in wrong bank account)
Select the new trip cost centre to pay the balance to
Select the Credit/Debit payment type
Enter the Amount of the transfer (the total amount received against the OLD trip)
Click on Done
These transactions should subsequently allow you to reconcile your banking.
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