Add Product Groups and Sub Groups

Add Product Groups and Sub Groups

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The product configuration window enables you to create or amend product groups and products to be subsequently displayed on the Income screen. 
Products are items that you wish to sell, e.g. uniform items, book sales, ticket sales, donations and other items that do not require debt tracking (use the Trips and Events screen to add items that require debt/payment tracking against pupils).

The products appear as buttons on the Income screen, enabling you to quickly and easily enter income for the items.

For schools using the SCO Online Payments module, products must be made available for purchase online and a price must be set for each product.

Add Product Groups prior to adding Products.

Add Product Groups

  1. Click on the Configuration tab

  2. Select Income configuration

  3. Select Products. Review the hierarchical structure

  4. A product group for Uniform already exists. If you wish to add another product group at the same level:

    1. Select the Uniform product group (highlight the name uniform)

    2. Select Add product group. A wizard is displayed

    3. Type in the name of the product group, click Next and Next

    4. Click Finish.

  5. Repeat for other product groups, if required

Add Sub-Groups

  1. To add a sub-group of uniform (e.g. Sweatshirts):

  2. Click on the Configuration tab

  3. Select Income configuration

  4. Select Products

  5. Select the product group you want the sub-product group to go in to e.g.

  6. Select Add product group. A wizard is displayed

  7. Type in the name of the sub-product group, e.g. Sweatshirts

  8. Click Next and Next

  9. Click Finish

  10. Select this product group, e.g. Sweatshirts. Click on the product group will move into the previous product group, e.g. Uniform, and becomes a sub- product group of Uniform

  11. Repeat for further product groups, as required

  12. Select the Preview button to review your groups and sub-product groups

  13. Use the up and down arrows (or drag) to move groups to the correct location

Note: You may wish to set up sub-product groups for trips/events, such as English Dept, Music Dept, etc.  Trips and events can then be placed within these groups at a later date.

IMPORTANT: Do not set up trips or events in the product configuration screen.  Refer to the SCO Help Centre for information on adding Trips and events.

Display Groups on SCOPAY

If you wish the groups and sub-groups to display on SCOPAY, refer to Display product menu structure on website here.  Otherwise, all products will be listed under the PRODUCTS menu on SCOPAY. 

SCO Modules


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