Trips and Events
The Trips and Events function of Schools Cash Office has been created to help schools keep track of debts
and income for school trips and events.
Trips and Events keeps an up-to-date record of who is attending an event, who has paid, and who has any debts.
For trips where the cost is high and where payments will be made in instalments, the system tracks exactly who owes what.
Trips and Events can also be made available to enable parents to pay online. See the Online Payments (SCOPAY) module.
Links to the various elements of the Trips and Income module:
Trips and Income Quick Reference Guide
How do I delete trips from Schools Cash Office?
How do I refund a pupil on a trip?
How do I remove a pupil from a trip?
How do I restore a trip that has been deleted?
I created a trip in the wrong bank account - how do I move it?
How can I see which trips a pupil is on?
How can I see if a child is entitled to a Pupil Premium discount?
How can I report on Pupil Premium discount payments assigned to 1 or more pupils?
How can I cancel a Pupil Premium discount payment?
Why can't I give a Pupil marked as Pupil Premium a discount on a Trip?
Here are the latest new features/bug fixes from SCO version released in July