Create an Online Product Message (individual Products)

Create an Online Product Message (individual Products)

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Useful Information

You can create a message/description which can be viewed online - the message will be displayed on individual products and can be viewed by all online account holders once they click on the product name.

Add a Product Description using the SCOPAY Admin Site

Add the Product Description 

  1. Go to  and login with your Schools Cash Office email address and password

  2. Select the Admin site

  3. Click on Configuration

  4. Click on Income configuration

  5. Click on Product configuration

  6. Select the product/item (this could be any product set up in SCO such as trips, school meals, clubs, uniform, etc)

  7. Enter any required text 

  8. Click on Save

View the Product Description on SCOPAY

  1. Go to and login as a parent/staff member

  2. Locate the relevant Product

  3. Click on the Product name

  4. The Product description is displayed

Refer to the relevant sections here:

SCO Modules


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