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- Click on the Configuration tab
- Select Banking configuration
- Select Pre-payment accounts
- Select Add pre-payment account
- At the top right of the Pre-payment account configuration window, enter a Pre-payment account name, e.g. Holiday club.
This will display on the main Extended day screen, and will be the heading displayed to parents if you allow payments online via SCOPAY - Enter a Short name, e.g. Hol. This is how the pre-payment account will display on the Accounts screen, e.g. Hol balTick Account uses sessions
Select the Days Available
- Select the Pre-payment account name on the left of the screen, e.g. Holiday clubSelect the days of the week the Club is openrelevant Days of activity per week
Set the Cost Centre
- Click the down arrow and select an existing Cost centre
- or click Add new to add a new cost centre, e.g. Holiday club
- Select the relevant Bank account
- Click on Done
Set Session Codes
- Click Set session codes
- Enter a code (or amend the default code) for the first session, e.g. A
- Enter a Description (e.g. Attending)
- Enter a Price for the session - this is the price the pupils will pay
- Enter a Price w/VAT - this is the price including VAT for staff and must be entered, even if staff will not pay
- To add a further code, click the + sign and enter the code, e.g. L for Attending with Lunch
- Click the down arrow under Code type and select Session code
- Enter the Description and Price for the session
- Use the up or down Display order arrows to change the display order
- Repeat for further codes, if required
- Click Done
Set Account Codes
Accounting codes for Hampshire, Portsmouth, Southampton, and Surrey Local Authorities must be activated in SCO to use with SCOPAY. Accounting codes for schools outside of these Local Authorities can be added, deleted or amended as required and can be used for reporting purposes. Using Account Codes is optional - if you do not wish to use Account codes, proceed to the next section. |
- Click Set account codes/VAT
- Select the required codes
- Click Done
- Tick the Available online box, if you wish parents to book sessions or pay on SCOPAY
- Enter a Minimum online top-up amount, if required
- If using Preferences, you have the option to set Online sessions preferences
(for more information on Preferences, see section Set Attendance Preferences - you can set these up later)- Tick View if you wish to to allow parents to see online what preferences have been setview Preferences online
- And/or click Edit to allow parents to change those preferences Preferences online
- If using a Cohort rather than All pupils (see section Cohorts - you can set this part up later)
- Select Display cohorts not classes
- Select the Cohorts tab above the Days of activity per week section
- Select the required Cohort
- Click on the General tab above the Days of activity per week section
- Select Allow online code entry if you wish parents to book sessions online
- Select Require positive balance if you wish parents to pay for sessions before they book, thus alleviating any debt
- Select Exclude childcare voucher pupils to allow parents set up in SCO as CCV payers to book sessions without paying first
- Use Advanced booking limits to set how many days in advance parents can book places
The From date is set at 1 day by default - this settng setting would allow parents to book a place for tomorrow up until midnight tonight, then they would only be able to book for the day after tomorrow or any day after that.
The To date is set as 0 days by default - this means parents could book as far ahead as they like.
Setting a To date of 30 days would allow parents to book up to 30 days ahead, but note that this would always be 30 days ahead.
If you require a fixed cut-off date, you may wish to use the option described above in b. Set specific Term Dates for Extended Day - Click on Done