Useful Information
This three page report displays on the following pages:
- Trip summary, showing receipts from pupils and, where appropriate, staff, and any miscellaneous income/expenditure recorded on the trip.
- Trip bank deposits, showing trip income that has been banked on SCO.
- Trip pupil payments, showing the Payment schedule, if any, and a detailed breakdown of income received from pupils/staff on the trip.
This information can be grouped By class or By year.
This is a useful report to keep tabs on whether the trip's costs have been covered.
Consolidated Trip Report
To generate the Consolidated trip report:
- Either:
- Click on the Reports tab and select Trip reports or
- Click on the Trips and Events tab and select the Reports button on the bottom right
- Select Consolidated trip report
- Click the down arrow next to Select trip and select the required trip
- If required, click the down arrow next to Group results and select By class or By year
- If required, tick the New page for each class box
- If required, tick the Include staff box
- Select OK
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