Trip Organiser's Report - SCOPAY Admin Site

Trip Organiser's Report - SCOPAY Admin Site

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Useful Information

The reports below can be accessed from the SCOPAY Admin site accessible from any location in or out of school.
Any SCO user can access the SCOPAY Admin Site. 
To set up new SCO users, see section Add New SCO Users.

Trip Organiser's Report - SCOPAY Admin Site

This report will display a list of all pupils on this trip including Name, Class, any Tick boxes and Notes.  It also shows the split of gender - females and males.
This report shows no financial information.

  1. Login into the SCOPAY Admin Site www.scopay.com/UserWebapp with your SCO email address and password

  2. Click on the Reports tab

  3. Click on Trip reports

  4. Click on Trip organiser's report

  5. Select the trip

  6. Select from the following options:

    1. Report grouping (No grouping, By class, By year)

    2. New page per group

    3. Include trip specific notes

    4. Include account notes

    5. Include staff

  7. Select Show report


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