Income and Expenditure Summary Report

Income and Expenditure Summary Report

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Useful Information

This report shows a summary of income and expenditure for each cost centre within a bank Account for the reporting period.
If just filtered for a single bank account, the banking reconciliation for this account and details of all uncleared transactions can be included.

Income and Expenditure Summary (with various options for reconciling)

  1. Click on the Reports tab

  2. Select Financial Reports

  3. Select the Income and Expenditure Summary Report

  4. Select the required Report Date Range

  5. Select from the following options:

    1. Select Bank Account 

    2. New page for each bank account

    3. Include zero amounts 

    4. Summarise deleted cost centres

    5. Reconcile against banking (only available if reporting on a single bank account)

    6. Show uncleared transactions (only available if reconciling against banking selected)

  6. Click OK

See also

Clear or Reconcile Banked Funds

Clear or Reconcile Online Payments via VMS

Bank Statement Report

SCO Modules


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