Meal Codes

Meal Codes

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Useful Information

The first time you use SCO Dinner Money, you will be prompted to set up meal codes and prices - this would usually be carried out alongside your Tucasi Consultant.

Meal Codes

  1. Click on the Dinners tab

  2. Select Settings

  3. Select Meal Codes


Extra Notes

Add Codes

To add codes click on the plus sign + at the bottom right of the screen (depending on the number of codes already set, you may need to scroll down to access it).

By default, there is one Absent and one Present code; these cannot be deleted. Further Absent and Present codes can be set up.

If using the Catering Return report, to generate the M1 form you must enter a price for Other Meals and Duty Meals to ensure the data is correctly recorded on the M1

Use any of the following codes:

Any letter A-Z
No numbers
Any of these characters:  ! " $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ + = { } [ ] ~ # : ; @ ' < > , . ? / \ ` |

Backdate Meal Prices

If you need to enter meals before the day you set up the meal codes, see section Change meal or session prices to take effect from today or a date in the past

Delete Codes

It is not possible to delete codes once saved.  Change the code type to Unused.

Ordering Meals Online

For schools wishing to allow parents to order meals online see Configure Dinner Money for Online Payments

Using the Classroom Edition

To display the code in Classroom Edition, tick the Show meal code in CE box (non-meal codes can also be displayed).

To set the colour of the pupil button according to the chosen meal type, click the box next to Meal code colour in CE. Select the required colour and click OK.

To set the colour of the pupil button if meals are marked as confirmed (when using the Confirm today’s meal choice option in the Dinner money reconciliation system), click Set meal taken colour in CE. Select the required colour and click OK.

To set the colour of the pupil button when selected, click Set pupil highlight colour in CE. Select the required colour and click OK.

To set the colour of the teacher button when selected, click Set teacher highlight colour in CE. Select the required colour and click OK.

See also Classroom Edition

For further help with the Dinner Money module see also:

SCO Modules


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