Supermarket Vouchers - About the SVM Tool
Useful Information
The instructions on these pages are for schools purchasing vouchers/gift cards from supermarkets to distribute to pupils entitled to Free School Meals
About the SVM Tool
To ensure that this tool is as widely usable as possible to all schools and parents across the country, we targeted all of the ‘big 4’ supermarkets.
At the time of publication, we know the SVM tool is compatible with Asda, Tesco and Sainsburys.
Whilst the mechanism is generic, to be able to support the uploading of up to 2 pieces of data for any vouchers, meaning if any other voucher scheme requires 1 or 2 items of data for the voucher it would work for them too, we currently cannot guarantee or support this.
Asda and Sainsbury's only require a Weblink (URL) to enable the parent to access the voucher.
Tesco requires the Weblink and a Passphrase to access the voucher, so it is important this is included in the spreadsheet uploaded into SCO, otherwise the parent will not be able to access and use the voucher.
To keep this tool simple, and so as not to confuse between potentially old vouchers and new ones, EVERY TIME you upload a new set, even to only a handful of parents, ALL voucher codes will be wiped from SCO, and the new set uploaded. SCO only stores one voucher per pupil and only that one is included on the mailings – all older ones are discarded permanently – so it is important to keep your own record with the original spreadsheet.
Outside of the logs, and the communication history, SCO does not keep any record of what vouchers have been sent to which parent.
SCO has no capacity to affect the supermarket voucher, it’s value, refund it, check if it has been used, limit who it is used by, limit what it is used for.
Any of these facilities should be queried with the supermarket in question. A voucher can only be used once, if this is used by anyone other than the intended recipient, SCO has no control over this.
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