Updating Wonde Permissions
Useful Information
In order for the Wonde Link to function effectively, we have made some changes to the data we required. You will need to approve some additional permissions to allow new data to be imported into your SCO.
Approving Wonde to Tucasi Permissions
The below steps will take you through the required process to review and approve the new data permissions requested by Tucasi:
Log in to your Wonde portal by going to edu.wonde.com/login
Once logged in you will be taken to your Wonde dashboard:Once on your dashboard, click on the Tucasi icon. This will take you to the application management page:
You will then be presented with 3 options: Documents, Permissions, Access Control
Click on the Permissions option. Here you will see the list of permissions Tucasi requires.
To approve these additional permissions, simply click the green button at the top “Save changes”.
Congratulations! You have successfully approved Tucasi new data permissions.
You will now receive an updated permissions approval receipt and the newly approved data will automatically sync from your MIS to SCO.
For any other questions around updating your permissions or around the Wonde dashboard, please contact support@wonde.com
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