How can I cancel a Pupil Premium discount payment?
How can I cancel a Pupil Premium discount payment?
Useful Information
Pupil Premium payments/discounts cannot be refunded but should be cancelled
How can I cancel a Pupil Premium discount payment?
In SCO, select the Accounts tab
Double-click on the relevant pupil's name
All transactions that have gone through their account will be displayed (Pupil Premium transactions will be followed by an asterisk * and will have a zero value)
Double-click on the transaction you wish to cancel
Select Cancel transaction (bottom left)
Select By mistake or Other and enter a reason
Select Done
The cancelled transaction will display as Post-void* and will have a zero value
The relevant balance will be updated in Dinners, Extended day or Trips and events
For further help with the Pupil Premium see also:
Contact our Customer Support Team
support@tucasi.com | 02380 016 564
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