Absence Mail Merge

Absence Mail Merge

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Useful Information

SCO can be set up so that absence emails or texts for relevant pupils can be sent out to notify parents of AM or PM absences recorded as N - Reason for absence not yet provided.  

Click here for an overview video guide.

Absence Mail Merge
(to notify parents of their child's absence where a reason has not yet been provided)

A. Preparation (first time only)

Use your Browser's back button to return to this page after you complete each point below:

  1. Update the absence Email and Text templates under the Absence category

  2. Check which Pupil ID you are using in SCO (see section 2 here)

  3. Check to see if you are using the Dynamic Link to MIS system (Check your Licensed Components)

B. Set the Import Type in SCO (first time only)

  1. Click on the Configuration tab

  2. Select Import from external system

  3. Select Import configuration

  4. Next to Attendance, select either CSV file or Sims dynamic link or Wonde

  5. Click OK



C. Prepare and Import Today's Absences (AM and/or PM)

Using a csv file

  1. Prepare a csv file from your Management Information System (once registration has been completed)

  2. Name the file to include today's date plus AM or PM if you will be importing both sessions

  3. The first column header must be either PupilID, UPN or AdmissionNumber as identified by you in Section A Step 2 above

  4. Any child marked with an N code will be identified as Reason for absence not yet provided and a text or email will be generated for them. There is no need to filter out other attendance codes - SCO will do that for you

  5. Click on the Configuration tab

  6. Select Import from external system

  7. Select Attendance data import

  8. Select the prepared csv file

  9. Select Confirm, Close

Using the MIS Link (Dynamic Link to SIMS.net or Wonde)

  1. Click on the Configuration tab

  2. Select Import from external system

  3. Select Attendance data import

  4. The dynamic link will run and import any absence codes

  5. Select Confirm, Close

Repeat the above process for PM sessions once the afternoon register has been taken.

Sample csv import file:


Attendance Code



Attendance Code














D. Send the Absence Email or Text messages

  1. Click on the Communications tab

  2. Select Absence mail merge

  3. Check Override default options? if you wish to change any settings

  4. If you are running the merge before midday, Morning Attendance will be selected automatically
    If you are running the merge after midday, Afternoon Attendance will be selected automatically

  5. Select the template

  6. Select Email and or Text (see Tip below)

  7. Select Generate

  8. Select the required contact Priority (if other than Priority 1)

  9. Select Send

  10. Select OK

Any absent pupils without Email addresses or Mobile Numbers imported will be shown on a report which can subsequently be Exported to Excel if required.


Sent messages can be viewed via the Message History Log.



Note: if both Email and Text messages are created, the recipient will receive either an email or a text message (not both) depending on the default import setting specified.
If unchanged during setup, the default import setting is that the message will be sent by Text to all contacts with a mobile telephone number in SCO. An email will only be sent to contacts without mobile telephone numbers in SCO.  
If you prefer Email to be the default option, you can check and change the priority of these settings through Communication configuration settings (see section On import default to).

Other useful links:

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