A pupil's Free School Meal status should update automatically during the Academic Year End Process. If you haven't yet completed this process, you can download the guide here Academic Year End Guide Ensure your MIS is updated with the same data to avoid any changes being overwritten during a future import. If you have completed the Academic Year End Process and there is still a problem, carry out the following:
FSM - A pupil is no longer entitled to FSM but they are still displaying as blue in Dinners - why is this?
To ensure that a pupil is no longer showing as entitled to Free School Meals in SCO, carry out the following:
1. Change the pupil's account settings
Click on theConfigurationtab
Click onAccount configuration
Click onPupils
Select the relevantPupil
Click on thePreferencestab
Click on theDinner moneytab
Untick Free meals
Click onDone
2. Overtype any meals already entered
Click on theDinnerstab
Locate the pupil
Ensure theirname is not displayed in blue
Overtypeany meal codes entered in blue
The meal codes will change to black and the pupil's balance will update accordingly