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Useful InformationThe Supermarket Voucher Mail Merge (SVM) Tool will allow you to export a template from School Cash Office, add some voucher codes to the relevant pupil records, upload this data into SCO, To send voucher links by text or email, you must have the SCO Communications module. If you don't have the module, speak to our Sales Team on 02380 016563 |
Distribute Supermarket Vouchers using SCO
Follow the steps below to submit voucher codes by text or email using the SCO Communications Module
1. Order Vouchers from the Supermarket
Order vouchers from your chosen supermarket(s)
Sainsburys vouchers.
At the time of publication, we know the SVM Tool is compatible with Asda, Tesco andSainsbury's vouchers
Follow the on-screen instructions - ensure you select e-gift cards
Note that it can take up to 24 hours from payment to receiving the voucher codes
When your vouchers have been processed, you should receive a spreadsheet containing a weblink (URL), a slightly different one for each row.
Depending on which supermarket you have usedFor Tesco vouchers, you
maywill also see a
passphraseVoucher passphrase column –
if this is presentyou will also need this
See sample voucher data on the right
Save the voucher files somewhere so that you can easily locate them later
Sample Voucher Data
Asda Voucher Data
Sainsbury's Voucher Data
Tesco Voucher Data
2. Check your school is licensed for the Communications Module
View the instructions under Licensed Components and check that you are licensed for the Home school Communications module
If you are licensed, but cannot see the Communications tab in SCO, check your User Permissions
If you don't have the module, speak to our Sales Team on 02380 016563
3. Upgrade SCO to Version
You must be running this latest version of SCO to be able to send voucher links by text or email
Go to and click on the link to download the latest version of SCO
To enable the SVM Tool to run, you will need to be on version
See also:
4. Ensure your FSM Pupil Data and Contact Data is up-to-date
If you haven't updated your pupil data recently, you may need to do a refresh to ensure that you can reach the right people
If you are happy that the data is up-to-date, proceed to section 5
To View Pupils marked as FSM in SCO
Click on the Accounts tab
The Status column will show all pupils marked as FSM (sort this column to group those children together)
To View Pupil's Contact Data
Generate the Account Contact Report
Update FSM and/or Pupil Contact Data (if necessary)
Carry out a Pupil Import to update FSM data
Carry out a Pupil Contact Import to update mobile numbers and email addresses
5. Download the SCO SVM Templates
We have created some special templates for you to use with the Supermarket Voucher URLs
Click here to download the Letter, Email and Text templates to use with the Supermarket Vouchers
Unzip and save the templates into your shared template location, or into the SCO folder on the Local C Drive if working from home
To review/update the templates:
Click on the Configuration tab,
Select Template manager
Click on Vouchers
Select the vouchertemplate
Select to Edit letter template, Edit email template or Edit text template
Make any changes required and click on Done
Close the window
6. Export FSM data from Schools Cash Office
Awaiting instructions from POThis section describes how to generate a spreadsheet from SCO to which you will be able to assign the supermarket URLs
In SCO click on
thethe Configuration
Click Import from external system
onon Import configuration
Click on Generate voucher csv (bottom right of screen)
Select Yes to Would you like to list FSM pupils only? unless you wish to send links to other pupils, then select No
A spreadsheet should be generated containing Account ID, UPN, Last name, First name, Class, Year, Status
The spreadsheet should also
contactcontain 4 blank columns - Voucher provider
, Voucher URL,Voucher passphrase, Voucher value, Voucher URL
See the sample on the rightPlease do not change any of the spreadsheet data
- Sort the Status column to group all FSM pupils together
- Delete the non-FSM pupil rows so that no data remains for them
Save the file somewhere you can easily locate it later
assuming no FSM pupils change status,
(this spreadsheet file can be used as the master for all future imports)
Close the Import windows
7. Copy and Paste the Voucher Codes
Open the spreadsheet saved at step 1
Open the spreadsheet saved at step
Save the spreadsheet saved at step
6 with a new name e.g. Vouchers issued (today's date)
Copy the voucher URLs from the spreadsheet in step 1 into the Voucher URL column in the spreadsheet from step
6 - see example below
(this field is mandatory)Copy the voucher Passphrase from the spreadsheet in step 1 into the Voucher passphrase column in the spreadsheet from step
(this field is mandatory if you are using Tesco vouchers or any other voucher where this is needed, otherwise the field can be left blank. Note that if this is needed by the supermarket and if it is not included, the voucher will not work.)Copy the voucher Value from the spreadsheet in step 1 into the Voucher value column in the spreadsheet from step
6 - see example below.
Ensure you strip out any characters or letters - we can only accept digits such as 15.00. If it's easier, and the voucher amounts are the same for each pupil, type the Voucher value in and copy it down
(this field is optional but should be used to tell the parent the value of the voucher)
Tip: If all the vouchers are the same value, then a simple copy paste will be fine. If there are different values specifically for some pupils, then a number of copy/pastes may be needed, and you might find ways of ordering the spreadsheet to make this easy for youThe Voucher provider column can be completed manually. You should enter the name of the supermarket here to assist parents on where to use the voucher - see example below
(this field is useful if you are using several supermarkets in one import)
Tip: If you are using vouchers from several different supermarkets at the same time, you can include all the links and other information into the one SCO spreadsheet and import the data in one go
title | IMPORTANT |
- see example below
Save and close the spreadsheet (retaining the csv format)
Sample completed spreadsheet
- Save and close the spreadsheet file
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IMPORTANTKeep a copy of this completed spreadsheet at this stage as a record of who was sent which vouchers. |
8. Import the Spreadsheet Data into SCO
Ensure the csv file has been closed, otherwise you will see an error
In SCO click on
the Configuration
Click on Import from external system
Click on
Voucher import
Browse to
the CSV
export file you saved
in Step 7
Click on the file and
select Open
Check the data in
the Vouchers to be assigned screento ensure there are no Data Discrepancies
If you are unsure whether there are discrepancies, please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Support Team for assistanceIf there are
no Discrepancies
click Confirm
on Confirm when prompted
You will see a warning message Importing vouchers will remove all previously imported vouchers. Are you sure you want to continue?Click on Yes
Click on Close
9. Generate the Vouchers for Parents
To send voucher links by text or email, you must have the SCO Communications module.
If you don't have the module, speak to our Sales Team on 02380 016563
Click on the Communications
Select Voucher mail merge
Select the recipients - All pupils with vouchers or an individual pupil
Select the required options:
Letter, Text and/or
(A letter will only be generated for pupils who do not have an Email address or Mobile number in SCO)
Select the Text message contact priorities (or leave the default as Priority 1*)
Select the Email contact priorities (or leave the default as Priority 1*)
Click on Send
A message will be displayed indicating how many Text message credits are available and how many text messages will be sent
Click on Top-up message credits if you need to purchase more text creditsThe contacts with email or mobile numbers configured will be displayed
Click on any line to read the message, if required
You can deselect any recipients in the Send column, if required
Click OK and click OK
The email and text messages will be sent and a letter generated for any accounts without an email address or mobile number available for use will be displayed
If required, click the Export to Excel button to create a list of names in Excel
Click Done
* Note that if the URL is sent to multiple contacts for each child at the same priority, all contacts will receive the same code, but the voucher can only be used once or until the full value has been spent.
Once the parent clicks on the
URL, the voucher will be displayed
, similar to the one below (depending on which supermarket the vouchers are purchased from:
See our Supermarket Voucher FAQs for Parents here.
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