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titleUseful Information

This three page report displays on the following pages:

  1. Trip summary, showing receipts from pupils and, where appropriate, staff, and any miscellaneous income/expenditure recorded on the trip.
  2. Trip bank deposits, showing trip income that has been banked on SCO.
  3. Trip pupil payments, showing the Payment schedule, if any, and a detailed breakdown of income received from pupils/staff on the trip.
    This information can be grouped By class or By year.

This is a useful report to keep tabs on whether the trip's costs have been covered.


  1. Either:
    1. Click on the Reports tab and select Trip reports or
    2. Click on the Trips and Events tab and select the Reports button on the bottom right
  2. Select Consolidated trip report
  3. Click the down arrow next to Select trip and select the required trip
  4. If required, click the down arrow next to Group results and select By class or By year
  5. If required, tick the New page for each class box
  6. If required, tick the Include staff box
  7. Select OK

Page Tree
rootTrips and Events Reports

For further help with the Trips and Events module see also:

Page Tree
rootTrips, Events, Income and Banking module

SCO Modules


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