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Useful Information

This section describes how to handle a cheque that has been returned by the bank. 
The solution varies depending on whether the cheque was previously reconciled/cleared in SCO.

Cheques Returned by the Bank

For a cheque that has been banked in SCO but not reconciled/cleared

  1. On


  1. the Accounts


  1.  screen, double-click on the pupil whose cheque has been returned

  2. Click on the transaction to open it

  3. Click


  1. on Cancel transaction (if the Cancel transaction button is greyed out, refer to the section below)


  1. Select Payment returned by bank

  2. Click


  1. on Done

  2. A returned cheque letter/email will automatically be generated to send to the parent, if required

  3. The returned cheque will be recorded as a


  1. separate Returned payment


  1.  entry on the bank statement.


  1. original deposit


  1.  will remain unchanged, although the returned transaction will be displayed


  1. as Altered

For a cheque that has been banked and reconciled/cleared in SCO
It is not possible to cancel a cheque transaction that has been reconciled in SCO. The solution is to enter the returned cheque as a refund.

  1. Go to the relevant module, e.g. Dinners, Extended day, Trips and events

  2. Locate the pupil and click on the


  1. red Payment


  1.  button

  2. Select


  1. the Refund


  1.  option


  1. Select Credit/debit


  1.  as the method of payment

  2. Enter narrative such


  1. as Returned Cheque No 012345


  1.  as the Credit/debit reference

  2. Click


  1. on Confirm refund

  2. The returned cheque will be recorded as a


  1. separate Payment


  1.  entry on the bank statement and can be reconciled against the actual bank statement.
    The original deposit and transaction will remain unchanged

See also:

Amend Existing Templates

Page Tree
rootUsing Banking
