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Useful Information

Pupils with the same Forename and Surname will be imported and marked as Duplicates.
You will have the option to add a number after their name to assist with identification.
The section below explains how that works.


If you have pupils with the same forename and surname at your school, when carrying out a pupil import, a warning will be displayed Duplicate names found:Image Removed


You are asked if you wish to Add numbers to duplicates. 


Result of selecting Yes to Add numbers to duplicatesImage Removed


Selecting No to Add a number to duplicates will keep the pupils with the same name without adding a number - see example below.

Result of selecting No to Add numbers to duplicatesImage Removed


If you are seeing the message Duplicate names found, but you don’t have pupils with the same name, you may have imported duplicates.  Refer to Manage Duplicate Pupils to rectify this.
