If you need to retain the pupil without the correct Pupil ID, you will need to transfer the Pupil ID as follows:
- Right-click on the pupil withwith the allocated Pupil ID, click on Edit pupil details
- Highlight the Pupil ID, cut the Pupil ID (Ctrl X or right-click and select Cut)
- Click on Done
- Right-click on the pupil withoutwithout the correct Pupil ID, click on Edit pupil details
- Paste Paste the Pupil ID (Ctrl V or right-click and select Paste)
- Click on Done
- Repeat for each duplicateduplicate pupil
Delete Duplicate pupils
Once you have identified which pupils to delete, you can delete them via the Accounts tab tab:
- Right click on the pupil’s name
- Click on Delete, c
- Click on OK
Check the Total number of pupils listed
At the bottom left of the Accounts screen, below the Help button button, check that the number of records matches the number of pupils on roll in your MIS.
See also: